Paving Project Timelines and What to Expect

Starting an asphalt paving project can be overwhelming when you don’t know what to expect; the whole process becomes much more manageable with a general outline. Every asphalt contractor will have different timelines for various projects, and your local area can dictate the schedule with concerns about weather and regulations. Awareness of these constraints and practices can bring all parties order and peace of mind.

This helpful guide will look into general paving project timelines and the expectations they can bring to an asphalt endeavor.

Consultation and Project Overview

The first step in a paving project is working with your asphalt company/contractor to determine the project’s scope. Is this a new paving project or renovations to a current surface? Your contractor will walk you through their consultation process and get the necessary information to understand how to take on your project.

You should also consider how this project will affect the property. If you are a small business, consider alternative parking for customers and employees and whether parking lot structures need to be temporarily relocated during paving. Consider different needs that individual tenants might have such as a medical facility with certain patient access points.

Permits and Codes

When you work with a local asphalt contractor, they probably (and should) know about any local regulations or codes to follow. That said, you, as the customer, should also do some research on relevant regulations. Consider examining other recently completed asphalt paving projects and see what you can learn from them.

On larger construction projects, permits, regulations, and codes should already be addressed with all involved parties.

Scheduling Time

Timing is everything in asphalt paving. Asphalt contractors know that asphalt needs certain conditions met for the paving project to succeed. For example, ambient (air) and subgrade (surface) temperatures play a huge role; because of this, most asphalt projects occur in the spring and summer months.

The asphalt contractor will choose the project’s duration based on criteria such as the paved area’s size, equipment, and labor demands (to name a few). Once the contractor establishes how long the project will take, he can then determine how to effectively phase the project with the least amount of impact on your business.

Communicate Ahead of Time

All renovations and projects are more successful with solid communication. Throughout the process, consider who needs to know what’s happening. For business owners, this means informing all employees of the paving project and helping them make alternative parking arrangements. If it’s a loading dock being paved, vendors who would make deliveries that day should also be made aware.

Finally, put a physical notice in the store and a digital notice out via social media or an email blast ahead of time to let your customers and guests know what is happening.

Surface Prep

Surface preparation for an asphalt paving project involves:

  • Clearing and cleaning the area of debris.
  • Milling or removing existing asphalt so the new surface meets existing concrete sidewalks or handicap ramps.
  • Repairing failed areas by removing the surface and base material if needed.
  • Base layer installation and fine grading.
  • Applying surface treatments like tack coat.

This process ensures proper adhesion, drainage, and durability of the parking lot pavement.

Asphalt Application

This is the last phase of our process where you get to see the visual impact of our work. This includes:

  • Final asphalt installation is in phases (if needed).
  • Professional layout of the area.
  • Paint striping for clear customer parking.

Continued Maintenance

The last step in a paving project timeline is continued maintenance. Your pavement is an investment, and it’s vital to protect it with regular maintenance (such as asphalt sealing and timely repairs). Although asphalt is highly durable, it is subject to cracks and potholes, especially in Midwest weather. Work with your asphalt contractor to develop a plan for lasting maintenance so that your paved surface can be functional and aesthetically pleasing for years.

Call Leritz Busy Bee Today

At Leritz Busy Bee, we know all things asphalt and paving. We are experts in our field and have decades of experience that we bring to every project we’re involved with. Our team is ready to work with you on new pavement projects, asphalt maintenance, and municipal asphalt projects. Contact us today!